- KUDOمؤسّس
- عدد المساهمات : 9512
الديسكورد : KUDO#2433
ديولنج بوك : YUKAJO
DAMA-JP058 Gunkan Dokoro “Kaisen” / Suship Galley “Kaisen”
الخميس مارس 11, 2021 9:43 am
DAMA-JP058 Gunkan Dokoro “Kaisen” / Suship Galley “Kaisen”
Spell Field
(1) Once per turn, if you Normal or Special Summon a “Suship” monster(s) (even during the Damage Step): You can place 1 “Suship” card from your Deck on the top of your Deck.
(2) Once per turn, if your “Suship” monster(s) Special Summoned from the Extra Deck is sent to the GY by an opponent’s card: Your opponent must pay LP equal to its DEF, then you can Special Summon 1 “Rice Suship” from your hand, and if you do, immediately after this effect resolves, Xyz Summon 1 “Suship” Xyz Monster using only that monster as material.
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