- KUDOمؤسّس
- عدد المساهمات : 9512
الديسكورد : KUDO#2433
ديولنج بوك : YUKAJO
[RD/KP05] The Indomitable Post-Apocalyptic Beast-Warrior
الأربعاء مارس 17, 2021 9:34 am
RD/KP05-JP049 不屈の世紀末獣戦士 Fukutsu no Seikimatsu Juu Senshi (The Indomitable Post-Apocalyptic Beast-Warrior)
Normal Spell Card
[Requirement] If you control a face-up “The Post-Apocalyptic Beast Gear World”, you can pay 1000 LP.
[Effect] Choose 1 monster (Beast-Warrior-Type) in your Graveyard and Special Summon it face-up. During this turn, the attacks of the Special Summoned monster pierce.
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